Friday, March 4, 2011

Libya is Splitting as Rebel Forces Capturing East While Gaddafi Loyalist Taking Down West

AJDABIYAH, Libya – Forces of Col. Muammar Gaddafi got back the partial control of the western Libyan town from rebels; but the oil port of Ras Lanuf had been snatched by the anti-Gaddafi forces swelling their grip in the east of the country in a two-week-old revolution.

The violent reaction against rebels by pro-Gaddafi forces during this week clearly indicating that Col. Gaddafi will not leave his 41-year-long autocrat power as easy as it was left by the leaders in the neighbouring countries, Egypt and Tunisia. 

An expansion of combating is causing an automatic split of the Africa’s fourth biggest oil-producing state into a government-controlled western area around the capital Tripoli and an eastern region captured by tattered but committed rebel forces.

In Zawiyah, a town 50 km (30 miles) west of Tripoli which is being controlled by rebels and causing a continuous embarrassment for the Gaddafi government, "dozens were killed and more were wounded" by pro-Gaddafi forces, said Mohamed, a resident. "We have counted 30 dead civilians."

Gaddafi-loyal forces used grenade-launchers, heavy machineguns and snipers on a hotel roof to fire at protesters marching through town after Friday prayers to demand Gaddafi's resignation, Mohamed said.

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